Friday, April 10, 2009

Jeremy Kelly - Marcello in La Boheme

It may sound strange, but I liken a theatre to a ship, and a performance to a voyage. Once the Maestro takes the podium the entire space sets sail. The watchers see the majesty of the journey – LIVE theatre happening before their eyes. Only a lucky few get to experience the excitement of the action backstage. So many people work, watch, and wait. They spring into action with precise timing, performers and stagehands working in perfect balance. Everything backstage is in low-light and shadows, giving all the actions an ethereal feel. The older the ship, the more special it is, and the Orpheum is one of those very special houses. How many shows have come and gone on this stage? How many performers have been nervous about stepping out of the curtains? How many tears have been shed, and laughs had? This coming week, I get to contribute to the history of this house, and it is my honor to do so with such a talented group of artists. I would not miss it for the world, and neither should anyone else. We have a special show for you... take my word for it!

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